About Me

My name is Bob Elko. I live in Appleton WI. You can usually find me wandering around the Fox River looking for animals to photograph. I have a photography website where my images are available for purchase. There are many products to choose from. The link to my site is listed below. Thanks for stopping!! Bob

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Barn Details...

Today I had the opportunity to actually get inside a barn and "get to know it". It was great to be able to walk around and shoot so many different angles....

This is the south face of the barn that I was shooting today.

These are the tasty roosters (sorry for eating your brother, the pot-pie was delicious)!

This is an interior detail of an exit door from the lower level that used to house cattle. All of the stanchions were auctioned off for scrap metal. I was told that "modern cattle" would not have even fit into them. This is an interesting barn one part was built in the 1800's and then moved onto a newly built foundation at the turn of the century (1900 not 2000). Two additions were added in 1905 and 1906. This barn has a lot of history.

I was fascinated by the windows. I must have taken 30 or 40 shots, but I am only going to share a few. The cracking foundation and lack of glass caught my eye on this window.

The striking red of the barnboards and the weathered frame make an interesting contrast.

This isn't really a window, just the chute coming from the silo. I love the algae growing on the concrete to add a splash of color.

And this is the view from the bottom of the silo.

This is a shot of the haymow. The sun coming through the holes in the wall give enough light to maybe do a portrait shoot?? I need to work out the focus though. I shot this with my 50mm at f1.8. Very shallow DOF. 

Finally, a texture shot. I have been working on a series of these to possibly use as backgrounds for blog or twitter pages. And of course I need to put in a link to my share of the day Scenic Sunday!


  1. I like all the details you have captured here.

  2. Love the hay, and crackely paint. I also love that you capture life in this barn too!

  3. Awesome... beautiful... etc! We don't get to go inside these old barns very often, so this is a real treat! Wonderful variety of shots
